Update from Chongqing

Tonight we played the Nuts club in Chongqing. This city is so big it’s a province, and they reckon there’s about 40 million people here. Yup, it’s ginormous!

Just about all my Philip K Dick fantasies came true today, and it is really as alienating, dehumanizing, polluted and neonified as Bladerunner. A mindfuck beyond belief. But still somehow humane in the details, albeit a humanity microticks away from some hive mind urbane sprawl new conciousness insect ‘great leap’. I hope. I think.
Without a doubt the single most humbling experience I’ve ever had. Most people are actually Chinese. a very sobering thought for a scandinavian.

The gig was nice – we had two local guys playing with us on a Chinese standard called ‘Kang ding qinig ge’ and All is Loneliness. A trumpet- and a guitar player. Nice and surprisingly good players!

Chinese Absinth is pretty powerful, and we fly to Beijing tomorrow at 0900, so this is it for now.


– DDU: hollow lands > into the gyre > into the mystic
– Kang ding qinig ge
– All is loneliness
– Ratcatcher
– Hallucifuge
– Starhammer


