
Hi there – here’s an update from the eastern front!

As you’ve probably surmised from various reports on the forum, we are indeed in China!
we had to get our visas in Hong Kong, so we’ve been there “touristing” the past two days. this morning we caught the ferry to Macau, and as I’m writing this I’m on the train from Macau to Guangzhou, where we’re playing tomorrow. being a toal airhead in these regards, I don’t know where or when or with who or …anything, really – but they tell me it’s on! Ståle is with us on this trip, and we’ll probably do a redux DDU and a selection of oldies most nights. Should be good: I think All is Loneliness and Hogwash probably works here too! we’re playing with local talent everty night too, so it’ll be interesting to see how that goes.
Hongkong is one amazing city, and what I’ve seen of mainland China looks pretty awesome too, so this should be a good trip!
more later pnauts!



Kenneth in Hongkong

Kennet over Hong Kong

