Update Motorpnakotic Fragments!

Boys and girls – it’s on!

Finally the first batch has arrived at our office, and we are starting to pack and ship the beauties on Monday! And what beauties they are… my mind is blown by the quality of the workmanship, and I am truly happy we chose to do it like this: it is a fantastic piece of art for all deserving psychonauts!

This has taken much longer than we hoped for though, but we hope to redeem ourselves in your eyes by sending out the first four fragments in one go. Yep: this has already taken too much time, and y’all deserve better service than you’ve had so far, so we’re doubling up on the goodness!

Starting Monday, we’ll packing and shipping as fast as we can, so expect your fragments within a week or two!

peace&love –
Baron Bent, the omnipotent


