Righty, so inbetween touring with- and producing other people’s music over the last few weeks, we’ve managed to pack and ship the third instalment of the Motorpnakotic Fragments. This mailout went out today, and contains the cover for parts 2 and 3 as well as the third 7”, so now it’s hopefully slowly coming together and starting to make sense!
All this packing and outside work has not taken up all our energy, though: in November we’ll play a comissioned work for the Norwegian Technical Museum with Ståle Storløkken and visual artiste Pekka Stokke. It is for their 100th anniversary, so we’re trying to come up with something cool and apropos. I’m glad to report that the music is slowly coming together, and that it should be pretty darn special when it’s done!
So be there or be square: November 27, Oslo. One performance only!
We’ve also spent the last months finishing the next instalment in our reissue program, and this time it’s Demon Box that gets the overhaul. The box will be a 4CD release containing a wealth of music, but we are thinking of including something extra in the box as well, so we’ll see – we promise to keep you updated as things develop! In cahoots with RuneGrammofon (who have lisenced the rights to our early stuff from Voices of Wonder records), we are also doing the first ever repressing of the LP, so now you won’t have to dig as deeply in your pocets to hear it on vinyl! Kim and Tommy and Deathprod and Bob LeBad are all hard at work right now to finish it, so it will all hopefully be out by x-mas. Now you know what to write on your list for Santa!
what ? I’m still waiting for the second part… :-(
Me tooo!!!!!!!!!!!…But thanks alot for the Deamon Boxx Releases…
indeed? also still short of the 2nd part..
urhm – Or did you perhaps send the two first parts in ONE package?
my memory eludes me, but i’m sure there was a post about something in that line a while ago..
I seriously hope you sent it to the correct address this time … Sad to see you charging a lot of money for this and then not even making sure it gets to the buyers ,,,
I only got one package with two EPs. So what’s supposed to be in the second package if the third contains the third EP?
Great news !!
@Niels: In this package you get the cover for the One Way Or Another / Forget It 7″ + the third 7″ + cover. And yeah, in the first package it was part 1 & 2 they sent out.
Hi, still haven’1 received ANYTHING (and yes, I have paid), neither first nor second part! Who do I contact to complain?
I am asking the same: When will the second package arrive, or was’nt it sent already?
I got it right now… First shipping = Part1 & Part2 ?! Right?!
Sara… Ask/Complain here info@motorpsycho.no
@Armut: Yes that’s correct.
Does anyone know that the CD will be in this package?
Umm, still haven’t received the FIRST fragment.. What gives?
I got mine in the mail today, 3rd cover and 7` + 4th cover. Yeehaw
I got mine in the Mail also today
I got mine in the Mail also today
oh ok, so the first package was part 1 & 2, the second package should be One Way Or Another / Forget It 7″ + the third 7″ + cover. so there should be a 3rd package later, am I right?
boomer: That would be correct.
Or maybe not. What you get in this shipment is the One Way Or Another / Forget It cover w/ lyrics + the ? / Whiskey RNR 7″ w/ cover & lyrics.
Wiskey n rock. Finaly… there have too be one more 7 inch and the cd?
Today I got two covers and one 7″ EP (or is it a single?). What parts I’ve got now I don’t know but I’ve got three 7″ vinyls and four covers. Why do they send out covers without vinyl?
Part 1+2 came as one shipment, so this second shipment is part three. The empty sleeve may confuse a few people as well. This will all make sense when part four (the third shipment) is in your hands.
We are very sorry for the few address mistakes we’ve made. We have, and will continue to, try our very best to make you all happy-nauts! We are no shipping pros. Please bear with our D.I.Y. approach to this whole thing.
A little confusing yes, but So much fun!
The 7″: Cutie In Decay (No Parachute) / Whiskey And Rock ‘N Roll
I understand now. :-) I got the package in the mail today. Thanks a lot guys!
@admin: thanks for clearing things up.. big respect to your/the bands work, thanx a lot.
Got second batch today……………. YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAW!
Agree with @boomer: great work @admin!
Received them today, great!! Great artwork and great music! Absolutely great package.
Thanks Admin….Got mine today…And i love it…
Arrived now? :) happy
Brilliant guys! Received the third one today! Just wondering, did you mastered/mixed this ones a touch differently then previous 2 or is it my record player playing up a bit? Still need to listen to them properly tho… :-)
Actually, for some reason my player was playing the two mono channels left and right out of phase, not sure how this is possible but sorted now! :-) Nothing wrong with the vinyls… obviously!
I have the second now and i am a happy-naut…. :)
thnx. i was really confused about the missing single. thank you admin for your clearing us up. love motorpsycho.
thnx. i was really confused about the missing single. thank you admin for clearing us up. love motorpsycho.
Just received my 3rd 7″ and 4th sleeve. Looks sweet. Can’t wait to get back and play it later
There are symbols on the cover and the 7”. So you can assign the 7” to the right cover. :)
Received: the third 7″ and the sleeves. Bologna, Italy. Happiness runs at 45rpm
two received from my dearest, haven’t checked the mailbox yet for #3
got my part 2 last week, tuscany, italy.. :) so happy, so proud!! thanks…
Can’t wait for #4………..just one word comes to mind……….BRILLIANT!
waiting for the last two 7″, the first 4 songs are genius and i agree these songs wouldn’t have fit very well one a studio album, having a kindof personal feel to it. can’t wait to complete the manuscript, amazing artwork!
Bent, is this correct? I hope it’s helpful…
Aye, still waiting for fragment 5,6,7&8 to complete the manuscripts. Hopefully the package is temporarily stuck at customs, can’t wait to play them this week. Finger’s crossed.