First of all we want to thank everyone who made it to the Teknisk Museum show for helping make it such an unforgetable evening – it was really, really an astonishing experience for all of us on stage, and it seemed like y’all dug it too! Big thanks also to the people there who instigated this and invited us to compose this work – we are honored and humbled by the trust they showed us, and hope we didn’t disappoint anybody when it turned out the way it did! We liked how it ended up a lot, and at the moment we’re contemplating how to go about getting it recorded. Like always however, time and calendars and finances and so forth conspire against us, so we’ll see how it pans out …but watch this space for further updates!
Today Snah and I finished packing the final Fragments, and will be shipping them tomorrow. We hope that they all reach you in time for x-mas, and that you’ll enjoy playing the hell out of it over the holidays! Feel free to tell us if and how you liked this project, what you’ve dug and what you’ve hated about it, what we did wrong and what we should do to improve the next project – we want to get this right the next time and need your feedback to improve!
Under is a ‘how-to’-video that Håvard put together for us, just in case y’all are just as stupid as we are and don’t understand how it all fits together!
We also finally got a hold of the last remaining copies of the Sorgenfri magazine with the Toys 7” single and Trondheim music compilation CD. The issue almost sold out completly, but we managed to get our hands on around 100 copies of it, so we’ll have them for sale in the webshop any day now. It’s first come – first served, so keep your eyes peeled if you still need a copy! To avoid any more record-collector bullshit prices and hoarding by the ‘pros’ out there, these are also only one-per-person just like the Motorpnakotic Fragments. We’re including an extra copy of the magazine in the shipment so you will be able to cut’n’glue your own cover without any problems (the glue they used to mount the singles on the magazine is extremely hard core and quite a few issues were damaged when punters tore the singles out, making it impossible to ‘do’ the cover properly). The shipping will make it cost a little extra, but we’re not trying to rip anyone off here so the price should be pretty fair!
We’re also giving Toys the song to Visions magazine in Germany for their ‘end-of-the-year’ round up covermount CD, so if you live over there you should easily be able to get a copy of it!
Oh – Demon box will be out again on Friday! I’ve seen the vinyl, and it looks even better than the original! I hope the CD box is up to scratch too – The TM & Blissard boxes surely were! – so thumbs crossed. I don’t think you’ll have too many beefs regarding the musical content tho’ – there are some real goodies included this time around!
Stickman is not in on this one due to some contractual stuff, so RuneGrammofon is doing this worldwide. I dunno how that will influence the distribution in the territories that Stickman usually handles, but I hope you’ll all be able to find it without too much hassle! (We’ll get copies of these for the webshop eventually too, but waiting for that to happen is not adviced for the impatient among you!)
For those of you who still haven’t seen enough of our ugly mugs this year, there might still be a (very) few tickets left for our December x-mas special at Byscenen in Trondheim on the 13th. Reine will be there too, and we’ll try to play a few of the Fragment-songs as well as a bunch of others from our back pages. The Pink Moon will play support, so put yr rock’n’roll boots on and come along for what should be a great night!
Be seeing you!
Baron Bent, the omnipotent
how cool!
Takk for et veldig bra år i Motorpsycho familien…Konserten på Teknisk Museum var en kjempe opplevelse…Å det gledes til dette kommer ut på plate. Så må jeg si dere har gjort en kjempe jobb med Motorpsycho manuskriptene..Håper dere syntes det var ok selv…Og kommer til å gjøre dette igjen senere… Blir en kjempe avslutning på året med Demon Box utgivelsen…Jeg trodde aldri det kom til å skje…Men veldig stas at det har “løssna” litt med Vow…
Meget imponert! Kom til til Irland (Cork) snarest! (Har nå mast på dere i 14 år….)
Godspeed you norsk emperor :)
Love you all! Sooo wanting the Demon Box. Again. Come back to Germany, please, and all best for y’all. xxx
And Trust Us special edition coming up next I hope? Really love to hear outtakes from that one. Thanks for a great gig at Teknisk museum – looking forward to a possible release of the music played there. And…Merry crimble to all of you!
Da det forrige fragmentet falt ned i postkassa, hadde jeg en annen adresse enn den jeg har nu. Jeg har sendt mail til info@… og meldt adresseendring, men har ikke fått noen bekreftelse på at den er mottatt. Hvem kan jeg kontakte for å være sikker på at det siste fragmentet havner på rett sted.
Baron Bent the omnipotent, lol! Cool fragments package.
Beautiful album!
And in case some of you have not notiiced, this issue is also a tribute to the very first album record ever. In 1909 Odeon Records released Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite on four single sided records, presented like a book, or an album as they choose to call it. I read that it went for the price of 16shillings, which in todays money should be almost equal to what we payed for the Motorpnakotic Fragments. But they got 78rpm, while we are ripped off with just 45rpm. (joke) Anyway they got 4x 10″, and i’m shure thats what MP will give us when they celebrate 50 years as a band.
Wish there was a just Cd version available for those who don’t own grammophones, maybe next time :(
Demon Box is distributed inside the BeNeLux via Konkurrent (https://www.konkurrent.nl/). Ordered my copy there, Can’t wait!
R u kidding me? I WANT IT!!!!
The Motorpnakotic Fragments is a beautiful work of art, something unique to have in my Motorpsycho collection and I absolutely love it! Love the DIY spirit and suddenly finding a new single in my mailbox every now and then this fall. And the music is great. The only “negative” is the heavy use of the theban alphabet, but then again it looks cool and it’s sort of fun to figure out the song titles. Hard to read the lyrics though….
For the future, please consider starting a subscription service for live recordings ala Dave’s Picks (Grateful Dead)! I don’t know how big the market is for something like that, or if you have the capacity to do it, but I do know I’m not the only one who would dig it!
Alternatively, do more frequent Roadwork releases (so more like Dick’s Picks in deadhead terms).
Final possibility, give me the key to the Vault and let me do the job for you ;)
Btw, should the CD of the fragments be included in the final shipment? I only got the vinyl single + cover. Who do I contact if the CD should’ve been in the final package?
Flott musikk og innpakning. Foretreker LP format, men 7″ er kuult det også.
Blir gjerne med neste gang det er dugnad.
Gleder meg til konsert på Byscenen den 13 des.
når kommer toys i nettsjappa?
Received the final installment today… very cool.
Well done guys, a tip of the hat to you. This is a great initiative which should followed by many other bands. This is the way to get your fans involved and keep them entertained. It is not easy nowadays to distinguish yourself; but this is a project that sets you part from most of the other bands out there.
Again, thanks for this, it is appreciated and a small treasure in my vinyl collection.
Btw: the songs are not to shabby either…;-)
I bought a copy and the cover is ruined… Could you maybe post a pdf on this page so I can at least print the cover? Apart from that – excellent project! Cheers, jan
… Toys is what I’m talking about, sorry.
Hi there, are the TOYS 7″ gone? Do I miss them in the shop or are they to come? Would be nice to know.
Do you thought about something like a crowdfunding (kickstarted or so) for the recording of the teknisk museum thing. the force of your crowd will be with you. MBO
Hey guys! We really appreciate all the positive feedback, tips and wishes for future releases and such. Thanx a bunch! As for the Toys 7″ it has not yet been added to the web shop. This will happen some time in the relatively near future. That’s all the details you get right now :) Stay tuned. Some other stuff will also soon enter web-shop-space! HeyJan
Epic! Glad to have been a small “part” in this. Congrats from Belgium
received the last part today. i love it so much. especially “dominoes”. got goosebumps now :-)
…so now I can tinker all together… i am happy….thanks
Merry Christmas to you and a happy new year …
and hope to see you next year again
I received the last fragment today. A great work guys!!! You’ll must do it again :-)
Got the lot & it looks / sounds great, guys! Looking forward to trying to fit all the sleeves together this weekend (thanks for the video; would’ve been screwed without it!). Can someone please provide all the song titles, along with the symbols for each, so that us thick ‘uns know which single has which tracks on (I’ve forgotten the order that we received them already).
Just one small gripe:- will you guys EVER produce any T-shirts that aren’t in ‘pretty-boy’ sizes?! I’ve got a XXL one & it’s still ‘snug’ (yes, I’m a fat lad!).
Looking forward to the “Demon Box” box! Feedtime!!!!!!! x
Still waiting for the last fragment here in my corner of Norway…..
Oh, I just GOTTA HAVE the “Toys” 7″!
Hey guys, the last days i have a lot fun with the fragments and sugarfoot/ spidergawd music, also demon box special nailed it down- thanx so much and hold on …see you in bremen /thomas
The last fragment still missing here. Lost in the christmasmail? Somebody else still waiting for it?