…Long live rock!” St Pete the Wise once said, and the now wheel has turned yet again.
2015 ended with a whimper and 2016 started even worse. It was really weird to see two heroes go to the great gig in the sky within a week of each other… One can’t but hope that the new year will be less harsh, and that the big black dog leaves us be for the rest of the winter. Enough death already!
It had a bit of a rough end, but 2015 was a year where many interesting and good things happened in the Psychoverse too. We’re really happy with the way both the Konsert For Folk Flest project and the whole Supersonic Scientists exhibition/album/book/gig-thingy worked out, and we hope that y’all didn’t forget us even if we only did the odd gig here and there over the year. We promise that we’ll do our best to play more gigs in more places this year!
We start with a few shows with Carte Blanche, the Norwegian modern dance ensemble in the national opera house in Oslo on January 27 & 28 and at the Carte Blanche headquarters in Bergen the week after. Reine will be along for these gigs, and they should be pretty free and explorative happenings that we think that the more adventurous of you would enjoy! Having top notch professional dancers zooming around while playing will be a new experience for sure, and really I wonder how we’ll react to that kind of input…
Find yr tickets here: http://carteblanche.no
Also, we’re happy to announce that our new 7” single, a remix/edit of the song Spin,Spin,Spin from our forthcoming album Here Be Monsters will be out in a couple of weeks too. This time around we went the whole hog and made a video as well! Well ‘we’ is a bit of a lie: our friend Dave from Malibu took on the challenge and stepped up to bat for this one and it’s a homer for sure! Spinning hippie girls, California sun and a few spooky cultish bikers thrown in for good measure – what’s not to like? The song is something we have been talking about doing for 25 years, and it’s great that it finally happened. If it has any commercial value whatsoever remains to be seen, but it’s fun to do and should be a really beautiful thing in its own right. That’s what matters.
The album will be out a little later, and although David Bowie borrowed our cover art (it’s ok, he’s welcome to!), we are really pleased with how different it looks and feels. The themes are probably the usual ones, but the music has a vibe we never touched on or got behind like this before, so there’s an ‘otherness’ to it that we really dig. It’s not really party music, but we love it for what it is and hope you’ll like it too!
Oh, and David Fricke from Rolling Stone seems to really like Supersonic Scientists!
Check it out: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/more-great-2015-reissues-and-finds-david-frickes-picks-20160108
Be seeing you!
“We start with a few shows with Carte Blanche, the Norwegian modern dance ensemble in the national opera house in Oslo on January 26 & 27”
The website says 27th and 28th…
Thanx for noticing, kak. The dates have now been edited!
Fripp&Bowie&Belew.Spidergawd&Bent please.They’ll die.Dylan.Stones.Beatles.I.Anderson….So please rock’n’roll.or what’s in your mind, Bent.
Nice to hear from you. I am really excited about the upcoming single/album/tour. See ya!
Looking forward to the new 7″ & then album, then seeing you guys live in London UK in May! That’s good reason to smile in 2016! x
” It’s not really party music,” Your music is always good for one-man-party with headphones and beer. I celebrate those partys for over 22 years.
Come to Paris Pleeeaaaase
Don’t forget Jimmy Bain………24.01.2016 brilliant bassplayer !