Yup. Cannonized up the grand wazoo, a firm part of the establishment and card carrying has-beens. great.
Oh, but there’s more:
Finally they are getting the bronze busts we’ve been wanting made! That’s one of the cool things you get when you’re made a member. bronze busts! They won’t be on show at Rockheim, but are put on display in the Grand Gallery at the Hall of Fame building. But only in the members-only section I think (we are only rookies/freshmen and aren’t privy to the deeper, secret stuff yet. You know, the rituals and all that.) But I think we are automatically enrolled in the the ‘kunstnerlønn’ (artists gov’t wages) program, and will receive something like 20000€ each pr year for the rest of our lives. which is not bad. That and a special discount on the train.
Maybe we’ll get to have a say in the charts posisions and what gets to go on TV and stuff like that too..?
We’ll get to hang out with the Mayhem guys at the monthly meeting though. That should be good!
I’m kinda curious about the rituals and all that… I tried to get some info from Sola, the DumDum Boys drummer, but he wouldn’t say.
Nope, not really looking forward to those blood rituals at all.
I faint easily… also mixing blood with old rockers sounds kinda iffy if you ask me. I don’t know where Jan Eggum’s been!
All in all it’s probably a good thing. Quite a few of the members are stone legends, and even being mentioned in the same breath is an honor. Really!
But weird.
What do you think?
Photo: Rockheim
Grabbaa.. På tide og på alle måter fortjent….Stas,,,
Garabba Karin Krog også…. Muligens ikke rock…Men på alle måter også fortjent.
Congratulations, well deserved!
Like it or not, and nothing wrong with the other nominees (well, most of them) – but any other choice from the comittee would have been an outrageous scandal and left the whole Hall of Fame thing looking like a dead joke.
Next up: Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame
Cool and wll deserved! Ever onwards with the ears, though…!
Well done. Nothing if not deserved.
Congrats!! And now you can aford to come and play in Bodø on this years tour?! *hint hint* :)
Gratulerer, en vel fortjent premiering for verdens mest kreative band! Stor takk til Bent og Hans Magnus mfl.. for å ha lagd store musikkopplevelser over mange år!
Well done & well-earned! Tonight Norway, tomorrow THE WORLD!!! Roll on 4th May – see you in London, guys! x
Congratulation! Really well-earned!
one of the very best bands in the world!