On September 8 2017 we release our new album ‘The Tower’ on Rune Grammofon / Stickman Records. It is a double LP, a double CD, and will also be available digitally.
This is how we got here:
Kenneth Kapstad’s June 2016 departure from Motorpsycho left the remaining psychos Hans Magnus Ryan and Bent Sæther fending for themselves. An almost ten-year ride was over, and things were again changing in the Psychoverse.
After a fall busy at the Trøndelag teater, writing and performing the Begynnelser music live for 40 performances, the search for a replacement started, and by December 2016 Tomas Järmyr had become the new drummer in Motorpsycho. The fit was natural, and it didn’t take more than a couple of rehearsals for the old-timers Snah and Bent to figure this out: the chemistry was there from the get go, and by mid-January enough new material was ready for the band to start contemplating recording.
When the initial plan to work with Alain Johannes fell through due to conflicting schedules, the back-up plan – to self-produce with engineer Noah Shain and executive producer Dave Raphael at White Buffalo in Downtown L.A. – became reality, and in early March the band found themselves in Los Angeles, well-rehearsed and ready to record.
The band and their cohorts hoped to get most of the work done over a three-week period, and tracking began on March 6. After about ten days of recording basic tracks for the more brutal stuff at White Buffalo, the gang decamped to Rancho De La Luna in Joshua Tree to focus on a little more laid-back material. Three effective days with Hayden Scott and Dave Catching out there in the desert added a little light to the prevailing darkness in most of the material, and also added a little clear desert air to the proceedings. The remaining week was spent in L.A. tracking vocals and adding overdubs.
After a few weeks of further work back in Norway, Noah Shain mixed the songs in L.A. in May and Wim Bult mastered the album in Apeldoorn in late June. Dave Raphael oversaw these phases of the work, and he really is the man to blame for the sound of this record: the band used his guitars and his amps in the studio and the music was recorded by his mics, his pre-amps and his EQs. This is the sound of Awtac and Fucktone, and the band is understandably obviously really really happy with the results!
As ever stretching the boundaries of their musical understanding and looking for new ways to express themselves, this is a pretty adventurous album even by Motorpsycho standards. It is easy to hear that both the new environment and the new co-conspirators influenced the band: this sounds nothing like any previous Motorpsycho album! Musically this is in parts the hardest album Motorpsycho has perpetrated in a while, and the material runs the gamut from short and sweet to lengthy and mean – even touching on heavy or stoner rock in places. It certainly is of a rather more explosive nature than most of their last album Here Be Monsters: the sounds are gnarlier and the riffs bigger, and where the last album to some perhaps was a tad too introvert, this album reflects the period it was written and is more concerned with us than me – with changes in society rather than personal issues. These are strange days, and the lyrics reflect this.
Surviving yet another change in personnel, Motorpsycho bounces back and shows yet again that the band is bigger than the individual players and that it intends to survive whatever challenges fate throws at it. The Tower, then, is a statement of intent from a band that is very much alive and kicking: this is the start of a new era in the Psychoverse, and the album stands as proof that there’s bite in the old dog yet!
Bob LeBad
Can’t eait for it!
Yes!! is it september already ? Let’s skip August
Det hva fan mæ på tide med noe skikkelig trøkk!!
Yeah, bring it on!!
Oh, the tension… I’m so looking forward to this. And the gig in Sthlm later on.
US tour dates would be amazing.
Tusen takk!
Great news, Eager to listen in September
Greetings from México
Wow, always excited about new material.
Sweeeeet! Glær mæ
Rancho de la luna!!!! <3 <3 <3
Cover art by Gullvåg?
Hooray! Og Gratulerer.
Ser fram til Konserthuset-gig og LP i hus.
Absolutely cannot wait!
Great news! We hope to see you guys live in Romania. Cheers!
Great news! Thanks guys. Looking forward to listening to it.
E gler me te konsert og kake!
Awesome news! And mastered in the Netherlands :-)
Waw! Looks promising!
[…] Motorpsycho wie folgt: „This sounds nothing like any previous Motorpsycho album“. Das vielversprechende Cover ist bereits veröffentlicht, hörbare Einblicke allerdings gibt es noch keine. Ab August ist die […]
Dere er topp.Veldig flott cover.
Congrats! Bring it on!!!
Holy Shit… That Artwork… i’m pretty sure I’m going to LOVE this, as always. Thank you, you’re the best. See you in Hamburg
thanks for never stop rocking our minds!
I’ve been checking this site almost every day since the bunker update waiting to see this, can’t wait!
yessss, more “brutal stuff”…..
It’s gonna be a TOWER of POWER…………
Fint at MP ikke gir seg,men spiller videre.Syns Sugarfootplaten er fin også.Mye norsk musikk er svært bra.Man finner kvalitetsmusikken her til lands,mener nå jeg.
Geilomat !!!
Bin sehr gespannt… freue mich schon!
Brilliant! But please play Glasgow sometime!
Venter i spenning:-)
I’m glad there is a new album but I’m sad there is no show in Munich this year.
Anyway: I’m looking forward to the album in September.
PS: The cover is of course great. Pieter Bruegel the Older. I’m looking forward to see ist in real.
Hoffe das ihr nicht völlig in die finstere “Depri” Schiene abgleitet, das steht euch garnicht und geht mir völlig auf den Sack! Werde das neue Album wenn nötig beukottieren,so leid es mir tut…
Keine Ahnung wer von Euch diese Idee hatte, sie war jedenfalls schlecht.
Ihr müsst dringend zu Euch zurückfinden…!!!
Ich musste das jetzt schreiben weil ich Euch letzte Woche beim “Krach am Bach” Festival gesehen habe und eigentlich eher enttäuscht als glücklich bin,
keine Ahnung was jetzt kommt…
Gebe die Hoffnung aber nicht auf!
fantastic news,, fantastic impulse and motivation,,gret playing ,,geat ideas and sound,,congrats. Al, the time in my playlists,,,,visits us. Santiago is a nice place to play,, many bands all the time,,,and join auralmoon community ( ,,best music library ,no doubt. BTW..,, I all the time go back to ‘in the fishtank’,,,, music has that quality right,, timeless,,, enjoy,,be well..keep playing amigos
This will be a KILLER and a classic, I`m shure!
Ich fand die “Depri-Scheibe” Here Be Monsters großartig.
Jeder hat halt so seine Vorlieben ;-)
See you in italy
Looking forward to the album and seeing you guys in FOLKEN again :)
Forget christmas days! The date of nearly-every-year-release-day is on what is to looking forward to. And so nice to see and hear you in Cologne.
I received new album today :) Waiting for evening at home… waiting for touch of this music…
Sounds amazing!!
[…] zu Motorpsycho: Homepage Homepage (less official, w/ Forum) Facebook Twitter Interview: Bent Sæther zu „Here Be […]
[…] zu Motorpsycho: Homepage Homepage (less official, w/ Forum) Facebook Twitter Interview: Bent Sæther zu „Here Be […]
Can’t wait!! just bought a ticket for your Copenaghen gig. But I live in Turin… this is fu**ing devotion!!!!!
Great Album I am looking foreward to Oslo Konserthus 23dh of September. One of ten best bands in the world!
Yet again i find myself listening to a new Motorpsycho-release, laughing in pure disbelief of how one band can be so beyond words over so many years. I’m happy.
well… my copy arrived yesterday morning and i listened to it three times and now for the fourth time. I really like it! At the moment I like Ship Of Fools most. Sounds a lot like Yes in some parts. As well Intrepid Explorer (more Floydish) and ASFA (very tight). Great stuff! Love It!
Bartok is Ungdomskulen + Fucktone + stoner rock. Love it.
[…] Kenneth Kapstad’s June 2016 departure from Motorpsycho left the remaining psychos Hans Magnus Ryan and Bent Sæther fending for themselves. An almost ten-year ride was over, and things were again changing in the Psychoverse. (Motorpsycho) […]
Oh man, scheisse, ich lag so falsch, “The Tower” ist unbestreitbar eines der besten, wenn nicht sogar das beste Motorpsycho Album ever…
Super Produktion, der Sound auf CD war nie so gut, das nur am Rande…
Geilomat, wunderschön!
[…] zu Motorpsycho: Official Homepage Homepage (less official, w/ Forum) Facebook Twitter Interview: Bent Sæther zu „The Tower“ […]
[…] zu Motorpsycho: Official Homepage Homepage (less official, w/ Forum) Facebook Twitter Setlist des Abends Konzertbericht 08.11.17, […]
[…] zu Motorpsycho: Official Homepage Homepage (less official, w/ Forum) Facebook Twitter Interview: Bent Sæther, Motorpsycho, on “The […]
[…] on Motorpsycho: Official Homepage Homepage (less official, w/ Forum) Facebook Twitter Interview: Bent Sæther, Motorpsycho, on “The […]
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