OK, so that was that. What a ride!
The European leg of the Tower tour just ended, and we are home again. Tired (man, oh man…), but really happy with how things have panned out and how this the latest version of Motorpsycho has come together. You were there, you heard, so I don’t have to explain, but it was beautiful and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for letting us run with it and go this far out.
Psychonauts are the best!
Right here and right now is the perfect oportunity to do this:
Thanks to Kristoffer Lo for coming along on the European leg and adding his own special kind of magic to the musical proceedings. This was a better fit than anyone would’ve thunk, and we’re all blown away by how well this worked out. Gabba gabba gooble gobble we accept her one of us!
Thanks to Jan Erik Holto for the unique visual concept he has for us (“Sterkt Lys”), and to Flu Hartberg and Birk Nygaard for making the visuals and helping getting the whole A.V. thing together. We’ve been wanting to do this multimedia lark properly for decades (some of you might remember a few pathetic early attempts!), but this time it actually came together and really really worked all the way, from inception to execution. Bravo!
Thanks to Ketil Nicolaisen a FoH for amplifying, clarifying and unifying the various noises coming from stage, and for in general absorbing the abuse and trying to make our racket a listenable experience for everyone else. It ain’t easy with such a loud band, and a few of the venues this tour were ‘sonically challenging’ to put it mildly, so it’s a pretty thankless task to ride this tiger. We all try our best to keep it sane, but sometimes things get crazy when we get carried away, and it all becomes pretty uncontrollable, we know. Sorry about that, and cheers for not giving up. Kiss e bæst!
Thanks also to Remco Frijns who jumped into the fire and took over the reins for about a week mid way. Expertly handled, but brave Sir, brave!
Thanks to Sean O’Connor who was there for the duration of the european leg and did monitors for us. This is perhaps an even more thankless task than FoH, with plenty weird requests and many an unexplained stink-eye thrown his way in the heat of it.
But eventually all uncharted waters were successfully navigated, buddy – thanks!
With as much gear as we lug around, we need a guitar tech/stage manager type guy to help us set it all up, make sure it all works, is in the right place at the right time, and to tune it if it needs tuning.
In Norway, Tos Nieuwenhuizen handled this with his usual grace (sorry about the Spitsbergen debacle – we’ll make it up to you, promise!), and for the european leg Morten Fagervik took over and made sure it all worked. We’d be lost up there without you and are forever grateful for your consistent, seemimgly effortless, excellent work. Love you guys!
Benedikt Zillich is our Tour Manager, great leader and Leithammel. Where he points we go and where he leads we follow. Benedikt makes sure that the biz side of this is all taken care of and also mans the merch booth (or ‘Benedikt’s Imbiss’ as we call it) during the shows. If you got anything from there, you met him or maybe his understudy Torben Eils who took over for a few days midway. Smooth Torben, smooth! Without these guys this’d all probably be a disaster. A fun one, but nevertheless a disaster. Thank you Benedikt and Torben for keeping it all together!
And thanks to John Aston who can’t help it. He’s english and a Burnly fan the poor sod. Great driver tho’, and – blessed with the gift of gab – a great source of entertainment and general abuse.
We love ya, mate – let’s do this again!
Thanks also to the various booking agents and promotors who made this all possible. Too many to mention, but you know who you are.
(Hey Max! take care of yourself huh? We’d hate to do this without seeing your pretty face!)
Bob LeBad,
Thank for the enchanting Amsterdam gig… hope to see you soon again… (2nd show so far with my cousins who have seen you more then 25x)
Thank you for the great Hannover-Faust-Gig. Love to see you again and again and again…. ♡♡♡
So, does “European Leg” imply there will be other “legs”? Maybe NA?! :D
My first Motorpsycho gigs. London was fantastic, please come back. Cologne was stratospheric, breathtaking. Now I can’t wait for next time. Thank you.
Thanks for those great gigs in the sky in -HamburgBremenPapenburgBerlinHannover with this “unfuckinfassbar” night at Schlachthof, Bremen!!!!!!Hope to see you back again very soon…….
Odin , totally agree with you!!!!
I must say that this tour was big stuff! Having a fourth member gave you so much more space (esp. Snah), you could gift us with some jewels that are hard to realize as a trio, K9 as best example or Stained glass and some others. I would be happy to see you again as four, and why not with Kristoffer, who made a fantastic job.
I loved Kenneth and I love Tomas!
And like snah-retep, I must say special thanks for the space out in Bremen!
P.S.: RW V?
Dear Tomas, Kristoffer, Bent, Snah,
Thank you so much for your music. Hope to see you back on tour soon!
Guys! I don’t know exactly how you do what you do – but you manage to nail it for me in a very, very egregiously way – every friggin’ time. I’m a Psychonaut since HMF and have seen you lovely freaks quite a few times, always left astounded. But this time. Man! Saw you at KaB and got really excited about Tomas and couldn’t wait for the new record (which is like something too good to be true!) but somehow I knew you’d grow. And Hallelujah! Saw you in Hamburg/Bremen/Hannover and I told everyone who was asking (and everybody else :D ) that: the actual Motorpsycho are the very best version of themselves. Whoever likes good music has to see you at least once! It’s inexpressable.
I really love you guys! Mankind can only be grateful for having you!
Thank you!
@kristoffer, you did a great job!!!
your show in Hannover was excellent. only the trumpet was missing..
Papenbug was a killer!!! Next tour Bremen,Papenburg,Groningen would be fantastic!!!
Cologne was incredible. Lucky joice as it was my only MP show this year.
Keep on rocking!
You guys are definitely one of the best acts out there-your inspiration seems endless and you rock like no other. Saw you 3 times in the last year and a half, in Italy, including the rainiest days in Veruno and Trezzo; everytime a different line-up, setup, setlist…but identical passion and quality…what else can you ask for? See you next time, take care.
Boy oh boy, how I enjoyed your show in Amsterdam, drove all through Holland on my own on the way back, music still in my head, very much worth it. Thanks everyone.
Thanks for a great Konserthuset-gig in Oslo. You made f.example the a.& daemons into something completely new. And the tower-tunes were even better live! And God bless the Swede. He’s a perfect fit right between Geb and Kappsag. Sturdy, tight and heavy but adventurous when needed. Dig his drumming.
Thanks for the Leipzig gig! Return soon please
Hey, saw the Psychobus land in London & it was a great gig, lads!
Seen you dudes 7 or 8 tines now, Thomas being the third drummer you’ve rocked with – keep on keepin’ on!
Psychonauts rule OK!
“The Tower” is mega!
Until next time – thanks for the skanks! x
Hey Guys… a pleasure as always!! Thanks for this great music! Thanks for keeping it up and running for so many years, for being incredibly productive and creative! I hope this will go on for many more years! By the way… I’ve noticed you were recording the shows again… You did this in 2014 as well an I hoped for a new Roadworks. Still, there wasn’t any. Is there reason for hope this time?
… Sail On!
Old Dutch folksong:
Al die willen kaapren varen, moeten mannen met baarden zijn
Jan, Piet, Joris en Corneel die hebben baarden zij varen mee
all those who want to sail cape must be men with beards
Bent,Snah,Tomas and Kristoffer who have beards, they sail along!
……..smile, brave captains and thank you for bringing great sound into our world.May your Cosmic antenae reach ever higher and deeper!
grazie ragazzi! you’e the best psychonauts inspirers! keep rolling!!!
What a great Tour this was. Specialy the mighty spaceout Bremen Schlachthof Concert. Saw you more than 70 Times over the years, but this one can be my all time favorite. Many Thanks.
Thomas & Kristoffer were more than welcome, both did great jobs at the 5 Concerts I attended this fall. Hope that Kristoffer will stay a while, at least. :)
Again, thanks a lot.
All’s well that ends well. Tusen million takk for the Hannover Spinwash.
Hope you’ll remember my words…Spinwheel…
Danke für die Audienz. One of those moments in life I’ll never forget.
just astonished and still up high after getting blown into and out of the void. you rule and i love
To be honest, i’m a little bit disappointed by the visuals. Not because i didn’t like them, but you asked for visuals made by the fans in your last news post (20.sept. Visuals). And yes, i put multiple hours/ days into creating a short loop for you because of this motivating post. Of course i didn’t expect it to be shown – although it would’ve been one of the best moments ever for me to see my own visuals at a mp show – but i really expected to see a lot of different visuals, by a lot of different people. So from that point of view the visuals were – to be honest – really boring.
I mostly close my eyes at mp shows anyway, tripping in my head, dancing, whatever. I’ve been to Bremen, Hamburg and Köln, and all three were a blast. Thanks guys.
love love love…..berlin-love
just be lucky and hover for days on the motorpsycho cloud,
no other band can do this and over again. Returning to reality is difficult and so few understand it. thanks for the dreams and the escape from the reality
we are here and waiting for another dream.
Take good care of you. We need you….
We need you indeed…
No one can do, what you guys can.
Releasing an album that shakes the earth like The Tower after almost 30 years of sonic travelling, with a brand new member and playing a tour like this….
Nothing compares to that.
The Psychoverse is the happiest and heaviest of the Verses.
Love Motorpsycho, Love Psychonauts.
Indeed. This Tour was fantastic. Saw you in Frankfurt_Zoom. Total Flow. Groove like hell. and a perfect match with Tomas and Kristoffer. Thank you by heart. Hope you visit the south of germany next time, so i dont have to drive so far.
Thank you so much for the beautiful show in Brussels! Looking forward to seeing you again and again and again…
Saw you in Leipzig…Makes me feel 10 years younger
It feels so good to feel again.
thx a lot
Got high on your music and drunk with beer – Papenburg was my first time to see you since trust us tour- you changed a lot but good- the Wheel was great
Why are there so few live recordings? RW 1,2,4 are aswesome, I can’t find 3. Where are 5-10?
Listening to A Pacific Sonata now. It just needs a releasing guitar solo, crencedo, drum intermezzo…or…or…it just never happens. But then the song just grovs and grovs until the previous requested highlights are totally unneccessary. Holy cow what a great song you composed/built/wrote/made there!!!