ELO (Hello) Kiddies!
The album Bent produced for Ole Paus last summer is now available for pre-orders at Drabant Music’s webstore.
We would normally not engage in this kinda blatant promotion for any outside project the boys get involved in, but since the backing band on this album consists of messrs Fiske, Järmyr, Ryan & Sæther we thought it’d be of interest to anyone reading this and decided we’d let this one slide. The boys are really happy with their work on the album and are proud to have been asked to work with this Norwegian legend. Hope you like it too!
Get it here: https://drabant.tigernet.no/site/browse/preorders
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Soft Machine ga ut S.M. som var et bra album.R.Wyatt brakk begge bena etterpå.Han søkte ikke til noen Paus etterpå.Dere gjør dette kun for pengenes skyld.Dere burde heller søke uføretrygd fordi dere er tilbakestående .Bent; til logmed faren din kvesser nok øksa for å ofre sin helt tilbakestående sønn. Er dette nødvendig???Har det gått til hodet på deg å være spekulativ?????Nå skal jeg drikke mer vin for å gå inn i fylla.DEt blir ikke til deres musikk. Kanskje litt Soft machine/Syd Barrett, litt galskap, men ikke som M.S.
Is there some way to delete these insane rantings?
This thread deserves better than drunken stupidity…?
Why delete his insane rantings when they rock? If they want to be soft, they can record a tribute album to Chris de Burgh called “Magnar in Red”.
Magnar has been like a comeback for me. In recent years I’ve felt that Motorpsycho and I have parted ways, but after reading Magnar’s comments I realize that even if Motorspsycho have become well respected citizens and I’ve become an outcast, I can still enjoy their music.
Magnar, don’t forget that Robert Wyatt backed Daevid Allen on “Banana Moon” (1971) and that Soft Machine backed Kevin Ayers on his solo album “Joy of a Toy” (1969). But you were not credited as a featured artist back then. Just saying… in a not so distant future I think we will see Motorpsycho on the tv-show Hver gang vi møtes, When you have children and grandchildren, that’s what people do.
can anybody here explain me what the hell NMagnar is talking about in his statement from jan.23???!!! besides a lot of stupid fucks and sucks there is nothing understandable….. or it`s me being stupid?!
If I was to interpret Magnar, I think that what he says is that he thinks Motorpsycho has become dissappointingly mainstream and that there are more lunacy left in himself than in the band. They have become too normal for him.
This is a *great* record. Thanks SO much. I’m not a big Paus fan apart from the obviously nice-ish 70s records my parents exposed me to while growing up, But, this is something else, and also a very nice addition to the MP catalogue. The care and sensibility, the playing, the production, Thanks.
It’s a great album. Ole Paus is a rock ‘n’ roll survivor of the 60s-70s-80s and gives the disciplinary sound of Motorpsycho a looseness and vice versa.
Ich habst bestaltnung das recordnung für Platekömpaniet. If anyone understands Germanic. Ich bin geflogen den februnk, buster schöne und das valsch, meine klüse geleben dung so welt. Tach fer mich. Und dich!
It’s a pretty good album but if you want to hear a really sharp singer/songwriter album, check out last year’s “Purple Mountains” by Purple Mountains. It was David Berman of The Silver Jews’ new project. Unfortunately, he committed suicide a month after the album came out. I can’t remember the last time I heard an album I related to like this.
“Lately, I tend to make strangers wherever I go
Some of them were once people I was happy to know”
Det er en sekser, greit nok. Men platen er ikke videre interessant. Men trommene er bra, veldig bra. Passer å høre “Plaster på Såret” med Dum Dum Boys som faktisk er en bra sang.
Hilsen stolt nettroll ( eller bare troll ).
Hope for happiness.!!!!!!!
Jeg synes ikke det var trollete. Rørete kanskje, og skrevet i fylla… hva vet jeg, men allikevel fra hjertet. Eller eplehjerteskrotten, som jeg kaller den. Som fan av The Beatles og dermed Paul McCartney har jeg overlevd samarbeid med Kanye West. Men ikke uten selvmordstanker.
Magnar, I would like you to remember the tussler album. Like Bent stated in an old dutch documentary: This band is about creating good music, whatever the style of music it is. Even country can be good if it’s good country music.
The Paus album is not something I will listen to very often, as it’s not persé my prefered style. But if I compare it with Paus’ previous works I can surely say, Bent and the other MS members surely made Paus’ music into good Paus’ music.
Yeah, they’ve proved they can play roots music before, already in 1994. I saw them live at Down on the Farm Festival in 1995 when they performed with a banjo and all. I was rather drunk and only remember it in a dream but it was great of course. Motorpsycho can be an adventorous prog band but they also has a particular SOUND. It’s all over the album by Ole Paus but still do not overwhelm Paus’ own singer/songwriter style. It goes to show that these guys are musical geniuses and everything they touch turns to gold. It’s always good music for what it is.
I don’t know if “Ole Paus is a rock ‘n’ roll survivor”.